1. The purpose of processing personal information <snowberry> ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' under 'snowberry soft') offers the following purposes and process personal information , the following are not used for purposes other than the purpose not
- Customers physician and confirmed , according to your service provider for customer identification. Certification , maintain membership . Administration , according to the amount of the payment of goods or services supplied , the supply of goods or services . Ships , etc.
2. Treatment and retention of personal information
① <snowberry> ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft') is a data subject when collecting personal information from the personal information held consent . Use period or hold personal information in accordance with laws and regulations . Use process personal information in the period . reserved.
② specific individual information processing and the retention period is as follows:
☞ Refer to the example below, personal information processing tasks and the retention period for personal data processing services and related statutes, to disclose the grounds .
(Example ) customer sign-up and management: service contract or Sign up to termination , but the bond debts at the time of the relationship that bonds the remaining debts to settle the relationship
E-commerce in the contract . Withdraw , payment , supply of goods , such as records : 5 years
3. Of Personal Information
<snowberry> ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft) is the subject of a separate agreement information , including special provisions of the law Article 17 of the Privacy Act , if applicable personal information to third parties other than does not provide .
</ snowberry> </ snowberry> </ snowberry>
4. Handling of personal information entrusted
① <snowberry> ('snowberry soft') </ snowberry> is a smooth processing of personal data to work in data processing for the following individuals to be charging .
② <snowberry> ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft') </ snowberry> is a Trustee Agreement Privacy Protection Act when charging accordance with Article 25 prohibits handling of personal information for purposes other than work performance , technical . administrative protective measures, limited to re- charging , the trustee for managing director , responsible for damages in such matters stated in the document, such as a contract , whether the trustee overseeing the personal information to be handled safely .
③ referral service may change the content or trustee in this case, without delay, disclose the personal information we process through policy .
5. Information subject to the rights, obligations, and how those events as the user is personal information subject may exercise the following rights .
① Information subject is < agency / company name > ( 'Site URL' under 'site name) for each of the following at any time to exercise their right to privacy can .
One . View request personal information
Two . If there is an error correction requirements , including
Three . Deletion request
Four . Stop request processing
6. Entries processing of personal information
① <snowberry> ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft') </ snowberry> is in the following items of personal information operations.
7. Destruction of personal information <snowberry> ('snowberry soft') </ snowberry> is in principle achieve the purpose of processing personal information without delay if you destroy that personal information . Destruction of the procedures , deadlines and how.
- Destruction Procedures
Information entered by the user to achieve the purpose of the separate DB moved ( in the case of paper documents separately ) according to the internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations will be discarded immediately or after a period of time saved . In this case , DB transferred if the personal information is not a law should not be used for any other purpose .
- Destruction deadline
The privacy of personal information if the retention period has passed within 5 days from the end of the retention period , to achieve the purpose of processing personal data , the abolition of the service , including the termination of the business that have been unnecessarily when personal information is personal information the treatment is deemed unnecessary within 5 days from the date that your personal information be discarded.
Eight . Measures ensuring the safety of personal information <snowberry> ('snowberry soft') </ snowberry> is the Privacy Act pursuant to Article 29 of the following safety for technical / administrative and physical measures to it .
One . The encrypted private information
The password is the user's personal information and is encrypted and stored and managed , can be known only to my important data or encrypt files and transfer data such as the use of file locking using a separate security .
Two . Technical measures against hacking and
<snowberry> ('snowberry soft') is due to hacking or computer viruses in order to prevent personal information leaks , and undermine the security program is installed and periodic updates , check the area from outside the system to which access is controlled installation and technical / monitoring and blocking the physical .
Three . Limiting access to personal information
Process personal information on a database system, the granting of access , modification, cancellation of personal information through the necessary steps to control the access and use a firewall to control unauthorized access to and from the outside can .
9. Creating Privacy Officer
① snowberry ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft) is about the handling of personal information and is responsible for overseeing business , personal information, and information related to the subject of the complaint handling process and to redress , and below as it designates the Chief Privacy Officer .
▶ Privacy Officer
Name : David.back
Title : David.back
Position : Manager
Contact : +82-10-2723-4435, backga201@gmail.com
※ Connect the privacy department .
▶ Privacy Department
Contact: , ,
② data subject has snowberry ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft) of service (or business) incurred by any hasimyeonseo privacy inquiries, complaints , and redress concerning the Privacy Officer and you can contact the department . snowberry ('snowberrydev.tistory.com' below 'snowberry soft) is the contact information for the principal and process haedeuril will respond without delay .
10. Privacy policy changes
① effective date of this privacy policy is applied to the process , according to the laws, regulations and policy changes, additions, deletions and corrections if you have seven days prior to the implementation of changes through notices will notice .